Friday, April 30, 2010

Opening Ceremony

MAJIK PARTY FAVORS! The first arrivers to the May 1st show (Daniel Higgs / Sean Smith / Bird By Snow / Words /see info below) will receive two stones from a beach in Big Sur where a river returns to its source: the Pacific Ocean. A confluence of energy is present in this place and stored in these rocks. We will be conducting ceremony with these party favors, as we all venture to return to the source: the greater mind of the present moment.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Why We Gather

We gather to share song-birth, the moment when music is born and we are born inside it. There is no separation between song and singer, between listener and creator, between creation and listener and creator and the moment itself. What can music do? It can remove boundaries, it can pick up the lines we draw between one another. A song fills a room and everyone in it. It travels as vibrations into our bodies and minds, and between us. Music reminds us of the vast ocean of undivided reality. Songs lead us back to the huge fluid freedom. So we gather, in the center of this world, the center that creates us as we in turn create it. We gather and we listen and play with sound and silence, with majik and mystery, with the subtle and the solid.

Please come to this gathering (below), our first Majik Dudes Happening, which will be ripe with majik, ready to be picked and eaten.

May 1st, 2010
66 Sanchez St., San Francisco, CA
(66 Sanchez is James Howell Studio, a Yoga and Dance Studio)
8 PM

Monday, April 12, 2010

May 1st, concert happening! Daniel A.I.U. Higgs (mystic poet/ecstatic singer)

66 Sanchez is James Howell Studio, a Yoga and Dance Studio with hardwood floors and skylights!

May 1st, 2010
66 Sanchez St., San Francisco, CA
8 PM

Fittingly this first show is featuring one of my favorite songwriters of this or any dimension: DANIEL HIGGS. Daniel Higgs performs alongside shruti drones, and nimbly constructed long-neck-banjo sound webs. His larynx is tuned to resonant frequencies of the cosmic, the Gnostic, the esoteric. He barters for meaning with words usually off-limits in the scenes of Indie… words like Christ and Lucifer feature in the lyrics of almost every one of Higgs’ songs. And yet the usually only ironically religious youth sit on loft and DIY art gallery floors taking in music that engages a set of symbols most of them (us) forcefully rejected in small towns across this primarily Christian nation. Maybe these (we) young people sense an altogether deeper meaning and understanding of the Biblical in Daniel Higgs because he was in Lungfish (the seminal hardcore band)… or maybe it is his appearance: gray beard, round face, and tattooed hands (like a Punk Pagan Santa)… maybe his past or his look are at odds with a conservative interpretation of his words. Maybe, but I think it is actually the songs themselves, and Higgs’ presence, his humble and profound presentation of songs that deal in religious themes in a way that is also humble and profound. Religion is the same as poetry, words, names and stories stand in for feelings and perceptions unspeakable, and unspoken. When you say Christ, you say a lot. And when Daniel Higgs says: “see the Devil in the Christ if it’s the true Christ that you seek”, he sums up 1,ooo lines about non-dualistic thinking, in one verse. That’s how it feels to me anyway!

SEAN SMITH is the best guitarist in California. He is a creator and destroyer of instrumental worlds.

BIRD BY SNOW is my band, which this evening will feature advanced sound structures rhythmic, joyful, and hopefully room filling.

WORDS is an improvisational group featuring reeds and brass for the benefit of our wave-mind experience.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

British Anti-Road Activists (manifesto 1)

These guys lived in a tree-house, or tree-fort, or something, and they hated roads. I am republishing their manifesto to kick off a series of wyrd manifestos. So here it is #1, in support of my comrades who didn't want another road in Devon:

‘This is the Independent Free State of Trollheim... we have no allegiance to the UK government... We do not recognize history, patriarchy, matriarchy, politics, communists, fascists or lollipop men/ladies... We have a hierarchy based on dog worship... Our currency is to be based on the quark barter system . We do not recognize the Gregorian calendar: by doing so this day shall be known as One ... Be afraid, be afraid, all ye that hear. Respect this State."